Deleting a File

You can delete a file from Document using the right-click menu or by dragging files to the recycle bin on the button bar. The files you can delete depend on the access rights and permissions assigned to you. You cannot delete files that are locked, checked out, or being edited by another staff member. When you delete a file that is in an extended storage area, you can choose to delete the file from Document only or from both Document and the extended storage area.

Important: Your ability to restore a deleted file from the recycle bin depends on the purge options your firm has set for the recycle bin. See your Document administrator for more information.

To delete a file, do the following:

  1. the file in Document Central.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the file, and then select Delete.
    • Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH Axcess™ for more information.

    • Drag the file to the Recycle Bin on the button bar.
  3. If you are deleting a file stored in an extended storage area, select one of the following:
    • Keep file(s) in the storage area but remove from Document. The file is deleted from Document only. The file will still be available in extended storage.
    • Delete files in the storage area and remove from Document. The file is deleted from both the extended storage area and from Document.

    Warning: Files in extended storage areas do not go to the recycle bin. They are purged from the system.

  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the file.